Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Moving Safely

Safety is key during the first advisory for all classes. The students learn how to move their bodies safely and how to use equipment properly. We practice moving in space at different speeds, starting and stopping using various signals and being able to change direction quickly.

Here students play "Super Hero Fitness Tag." In the game each color represents a different component of fitness: red for cardiovascular endurance, blue for flexibility, and green for muscular strength and endurance. When tagged the student must go to the "fitness zone" and complete the exercise that is associated with that component of fitness. With the younger students K-2, we brainstormed and picked exercises ahead of time, and with the 3rd-5th grade students they were asked to pick a playing card, and do any exercise associated with the component of fitness. The students used a key on the board to match the suit they picked to the component of fitness and the number on the card represented the number of times or seconds the exercise was to be done. 

Students are asked to skip, gallop, or "fast walk," as they call it, to prove they can move carefully and in awareness of their bodies. In elementary school, asking any student to be aware of their body and have self control over their movements is a tall order, but they are doing great! 

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